Ganon Products Limited
Board of Directors

Mr. Madan Lal Goyal (NED and Chairman)

Mr. Ravindra Haribhau Gopale (WTD and CFO)

Ms. Pooja Nirav Shah (NED)

Mr. Sanjay Sood (ID)

Mrs. Roopal Sood (ID)

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Ravindra Haribhau Gopale

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Mr. Jay Sanghvi

Composition of Various Committees of Board of Directors

Audit Committee
1. Mr. Sanjay Sood, Chairman
2. Mrs. Roopal Sood, Member
3. Mr. Madanlal Goyal, Member

Nomination and Remuneration Committee
1. Mr. Sanjay Sood, Chairman
2. Mrs. Roopal Sood, Member
3. Mr. Madanlal Goyal, Member

Stakeholder Relationship Committee
1. Mr. Sanjay Sood, Chairman
2. Mrs. Roopal Sood, Member
3. Mr. Madanlal Goyal, Member

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